Monday, September 30, 2019

What types of problems and effects are been forced upon the planet?

What types of problems and effects are been forced upon the planet with modern technology and the increasing population and what can be done to make the planet healthier? The growing population, deforestation and use of fossil fuels are causing the biggest environmental problem that has been discovered over the past 50 years, Global Warming. In the past 10 years dramatic actions have been taken to curb the dangerous affects that could lead to drought, floods, sweltering heat and rising seas. I believe that to curb the effects more people should be aware of what the future would be like for future generations. How their lives would be affected by global warming. Simple things like walking to work and school or using a bike to commute would make a huge difference, if more people knew that bicycling is 117% more efficient than walking, and then I believe more people would do it. However the majority will have to take this into account if they want to make a difference. By simply wearing an extra shirt around the house and not turning on the heating will contribute to saving the environment. Paper which is made from trees should not be wasted and recycled when finished with. In order to prevent unnecessary usage of the planets resources' recycling helps to curb the effects of deforestation. Whenever a person uses a car or forgets to switch their television off at the mains, leaving the little red light to waste energy, a thought should be spared for the millions of men women and children that survive every day in third world countries who have quite possibly never seen a television. If every commuter car in the U.S. transported an extra person, it would save eight billion gallons of fuel a year. Facts like these assist in convincing people that small gestures matter. However many people do not think that just one person can make the difference. Scientists have discovered the main causes of global warming and because of this curbing the effects causing global warming is a great deal easier. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from human activities including industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion, and changes in land use, such as deforestation all contribute to the increasing temperature of the planet. Heat from the sun passes through the atmosphere of the earth and heats up the earth's surface. The heat is reflected back out to space by the earth's surface but certain gases in the atmosphere trap some of the deflected heat. These gases then act as a blanket, keeping heat locked in the atmosphere warming the planet. This process is similar to that which takes place in a greenhouse environment hence the name â€Å"greenhouse effect† and â€Å"greenhouse gases†. Greenhouse gas (es) is the name given to the gases which trap the heat in the earth's atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide is the greatest contributor to the build up of gases in the atmosphere. Cars, Factories, even using paper all contribute to the hostile planet we are all creating for future generations. Fossil fuels release the majority of harmful gases into the atmosphere, so in order to reduce the amount of dangerous gas entering the atmosphere; other sources of energy are being used. Renewable energy sources such as Solar Power, Wind turbines/farms, Tidal, Hydro-electric, Geothermal and using Biomass and alternative power sources such as nuclear power all contribute to the decrease in use of fossil fuels. Trees provide oxygen for the planet by removing the carbon from carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen back in to the atmosphere. This done by a process called photosynthesis. Transpiration is a process whereby the plants carry water up the stems of the plants into the leaves and it evaporates through the leaves. These processes determine the weather and cause clouds, which block the suns heat from passing through the ozone layer. Deforestation regularly occurs because of farmers attempting to settle farmland; the poor become ‘shifted cultivators' and resort to using ‘Slash and Burn' methods to make an open space. The name implies exactly what happens; trees are cut down and the remains are burned. The ash is used as a fertilizer and the land is used for vegetation farming or a cattle farming, however, the soil that is cleared in slash and burn is left infertile; the nutrients in the soil are quickly absorbed by surrounding organisms. The trees can no longer be replanted in the same area once a shifted cultivator is finished in that area. Another reason for major deforestation is because of many labourers resorting to illegally cutting down trees to survive. The UN has however developed a plan to provide the poorer countries with enough money to stop the deforestation. Acts like these will all help to minimise the dangerous effects inflicted on the planet. Tidal barriers attract a lot of controversy. The proposal to build the Severn Barrier has been severely opposed by many environmentalists, because of impacts upon wildlife and the marine environment. The construction of tidal lagoons has been proposed as a more ecologically sound method of generating electricity from tides. However due to global warming, it is inevitable that the sea levels will rise. Coastal cities must be protected against sea level rise, so tidal barriers must be constructed for this purpose. If CO2 emissions are not dramatically reduced within twenty years we will face much greater sea level rise, and we will then have to look at tidal barriers to protect other UK cities, on the River Severn. Although Biomass is a renewable energy source it does release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere reducing the use of fossil fuels but not necessarily reducing the emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Nuclear power is not renewable but it does not emit any harmful greenhouse gases and therefore it does not contributing to the greenhouse effect. At present, there are 442 nuclear power stations in operation in the world, with a generation capacity of 368 million kilowatts, which accounts for 16% of world's total power generation for 18 consecutive years. Nuclear power has many advantages; it is cheap and produces large amounts of energy from small amount of fuel, it is also very reliable and produces very little waste. Although there is little waste produced, it is dangerous and has to be buried underground to contain the radioactivity; it takes hundreds of years before the radioactivity is gone. On April 25th -26th, 1986 the planet suffered worst nuclear power accident occurred at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union (now Ukraine). The Chernobyl nuclear power plant had 4 reactors and whilst testing reactor number 4 numerous safety procedures were disregarded. A chain reaction in the reactor became out of control creating explosions and a fireball which blew off the reactor's heavy steel and concrete lid. The Chernobyl accident killed more than 30 people immediately, and as a result of the high radiation levels in the surrounding 20-mile radius, 135,000 people had to be evacuated. It will take four hundred years before the affected area will become liveable again. In conclusion, I have discussed the effects of pollution and the controversy caused, I have also discussed what can be done to curb the effects. The use of renewable energy can assist in the prevention of further damage, and that walking or bicycling instead of driving can also reduce the damaging effects facing the environment. I have discussed the disaster and consequences of nuclear power and its advantages to the environment. I would like to conclude by saying that unless drastic measures are taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of future generations, the planet will die and we, as a species, will too.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Original writing assignment Essay

   It was a beautiful sight, picturesque even, all around were fields of lush green grass with steep hills, deep valleys and evergreen trees. In front of him there was a lake with beautiful sparkling blue water, with beavers going about their daily business, fishes swimming and birds singing. However, as he glanced across to the other side of the lake the boy laid eyes upon an almighty cave. The water on this side of the lake was brown with dead fish floating on the surface. The banks surrounding this part of the lake were simply bare rocks threatening to crush anything with the misfortune of touching them. There were no birds singing or beavers playing. Not a single living thing dwelled on those premises and it was obvious why. Who in there right minds would rather live there than on the stunning view that was just meters from the grim scene? The boy drew his gaze away from the lake and noticed many little buildings with thatched roofs and only one floor. In front of these unusual and certainly old-fashioned buildings stood small families of people all dressed in pretty much the same way. The women wore long brown and white frilly dresses. They all looked like servants. The men also wore brown and white but these were brown tattered trousers and a white V-necked shirt. At a glance down at his attire, the boy noticed he was wearing exactly the same as the other boys that he had seen. He was tired and decided that he should get some rest; a fall from the sky into unfamiliar territory can really take it out of you. The young boy slowly advanced towards the nearest house. He was walking straight towards the 3 people stood in front of it, but the didn’t even seem to have noticed him. The boy was only 20 metres from them now but their gaze was still fixed to where he had first landed. He was now only 10 metres from them and could clearly see every single crevice on their skin. That was then he noticed the boy in front was not only dressed identically to him he was also exactly the same height and build with the same blonde hair blue eyes. He even had exactly the same horseshoe shaped birthmark on his neck. The young boy looked extremely confused and turned to the women in a desperate search for an explanation. To his horror, the woman was looking straight through him. This feeling of horror rapidly swapped itself with a feeling of utter disbelief, he recognised this women but where from. He opened is mouth to ask if she too recognised him. However, as soon as the first letter rolled of his tongue and dissipated into the air the almighty rumbling started again. This was much worse then the soft rumbling he had become accustomed to during his dreams. This was a full-blown earthquake style rumbling. The whole ground was shaking. The voices started again. He could finally make sense of the voices â€Å"Help David, the cave, help† it started of with just the women but very quickly the rest of the people joined in. He finally realised where he recognised that woman from. It was his mum, but it wasn’t. It couldn’t be it had to be a bad dream. The voices were unbelievably loud now. He could not take much more of this. David dropped to his knees willing himself to wake up. He didn’t. Of course, he didn’t: He couldn’t. There was only one thing he could do. The young boy sprinted to the cave, as soon as his size 7 shoes made contact with the cold grey stone the voices stopped, and the rumbling subsided. The inside of the cave was massive. David was standing in what seemed to be an ally. It had a grey floor and red-stone wall. In this alley of a cave ran a small, dirty brown stream. David decided to follow the stream. The silence was deafening. He was right in the centre of his worst nightmares yet the scene he was now living resembled his dreams in no way what so ever. He was expecting an increasingly loud rumble as he became ever closer to the source of all his sleepless nights. However, it was in no way at all like this. All David could hear was the ‘splat’ as his feet slapped against the wet floor. All he could do was walk straight into the caves belly, he could not go back outside, he couldn’t face the screaming. He had to sort this, now, once and for all. The relatively small walk was taking forever, a whole hour seemed to have passed as David walked through the cave however in reality it was closer to a minute. At last, the young boy had reached his destination. It certainly was not what he had expected. He was standing on a floor of grey stone. In front of him was a ring of water. Inside this ring was a small island containing one thing and one thing only; a white, round crystal. A rickety rope bridge hung loosely over the deep murky water. This was the end; he had reached the end of the cave, the end of the nightmares. It had to be something to do with that crystal, but what? David had obviously made his mind up as he cautiously walked to the bridge. He checked the ropes, it seemed secure enough but there was only one way to find out. He raised his foot and slowly but surely placed his foot on to the bridge. As soon as his foot connected with the nearly rotten wood an almightily high-pitched scream pierced through the silence, the rumbling once again shook David’s brain, and a short stab of bright light temporarily illuminated the area before subsiding into a low shimmer. The rumbling didn’t stop, it got considerably worse. The bridge was shaking; water was spraying from the stream in huge waves. He had to keep going, this torture had to end. David lunged and grabbed the crystal. A searing pain swarmed through David’s entire body. A brilliant light blinded him. Everything went white. David could no longer hear the high-pitched screams; he did not feel the ice-cold water flooding over the top of him. The rumbling stopped, so did the screaming and the crystal returned to the dull colourless state in which it started. David was nowhere to be seen.   All this happened 14 years ago. I have been all alone here ever since, still experiencing the same horrific dreams. Although now it’s all changed. You are here. The man thrust his hands forwards, palms out. There was writing burnt into the skin. Help David Our Saviour. Harry Litchfield Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

I just need the bibliography to be done Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

I just need the bibliography to be done - Essay Example 2006. africaresource. 17 Dec. 2007 . 8. Kiehl, Stephen. â€Å"Cashing in on the pop and hip-hop name-drop†. Baltimore Sun. 2004. Commercial Alert. 17 Dec. 2007 . 9. Mattus, Carolyn. â€Å"Hip-hops evolution, success examined†. THE HEIGHTS. 2005. 17 Dec. 2007 . 11. Silverstien, Matt. â€Å"Concerning Hip-Hop: A Repressive Agent or Vehicle for Activism?† Commercial Hip-Hop and Social Grassroots. 2006. africaresource. 17 Dec. 2007 . 14. â€Å"Since 1994, violent crime rates have declined, reaching the lowest level ever in 2005†. Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2006. Office of Justice Programs. U.S. Department of Justice. 17 Dec. 2007 . 16. Howard, Theresa. â€Å"Rapper 50 Cent sings a song of business success†. Advertising & Marketing. 2005. USA TODAY. 17 Dec. 2007 . 21. Ogunnaike, Lola. â€Å"Jay-Z, From Superstar to Suit†. The New York Times. 2005. 17 Dec. 2007 . 24. Wasserman, Todd. â€Å"Playing The Hip-Hop Name Drop†. Brandweek. 2005. ISIDE BRANDED ENTERTAINMENT. 17 Dec. 2007

Friday, September 27, 2019

SEA Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

SEA Statement - Essay Example Although the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 (the Act) has now come into force, the first preparatory act of the Draft Strategy was undertaken prior to commencement of the Act, and therefore the SEA has been undertaken in accordance with the Regulations and not the Act. Strategic Environmental Assessment, "a systematic method for considering the likely environmental effects of plans, programmes and strategies, during their development" (Walker, May 2007, p.1), aims decision-making after integrating environmental factors, environmental protection improving plans and participation of common people. Moreover, a formal consultation concerning SEA process is being undertaken. The utmost criteria of the SEA process: "[s]coping Report sent to Consultation Authorities in October 2006 and Final Strategy and Post adoption SEA Statement" (The Scottish Government, 2008). The Dublin City Council made a study in quest of available scopes for developing a new major water source for the Greater Dublin Area in 2005 and the council adopted the findings found by the SEA after considering ER and stakeholder issues. SEA Directive was transposed in England to carry out strategic environmental assessment for transport plans and programmes in England following requirements set by SEA which integrates the Directive's requirements with existing transport appraisal processes. Basically the objective of the SEA Directive is described by Article 1: "the SEA Directive is to provide for a high level of protection of the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans ... with a view to promoting sustainable development." (TAG, December 2004) Guidance thus can be mentioned that SEA has been securing new plans for transportation which will include the transport plans, and now, centralised to local plan implementation for transplantation. Again, the guidance is not willing to be used as a law rather provides a "basis for understanding SEA, but is no substitute for giving

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Greasy Lake - T. Boyle Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Greasy Lake - T. Boyle - Assignment Example I agree with Boyle in that most of the time people have no idea about the reality of what they admire and aspire to be; only when one experiences something can one know the true meaning thereof. In the beginning Boyle romanticizes the â€Å"bad† or â€Å"dangerous† persona that the narrator and his friends aspire to have as their own, or feel is their own. There is a tendency even now, I feel, to make the bad appear good and attractive, whereby young men want to be rebels or bad. Boyle captures this attitude right in the start of his narrative, stating that it was a time â€Å"when it was good to be bad†. The narrator of the story goes on to list quite a few of the â€Å"bad† qualities that his friends have, and which he admires, and which make him think that they are â€Å"two dangerous characters†. Most often such dangerous characters do not have any inkling of what real danger is, and their image is often based on stories they themselves tell, or on feats that are really not â€Å"dangerous† but merely irresponsible. In the story, for example, the two friends of the narrator are â€Å"bad† because not only can they hold their own at a party, but can also roll joints in extremely difficult circumstances. It seems that this is often the truth of life; if you put yourself out to be as someone, more often than not, people will believe you without any evidence, and soon you will start believing it too, that is until you are faced with an event that challenges your claim. When something comes along that actually challenges the claims that you make, it is only then that the truth is known. Only when you are faced with the task of proving yourself to be who you claim to be can you actually prove the same. I completely agree with Boyle on this, because in my opinion very few people turn out to be who they say they are when it comes to putting their claims into action. When they are forced to scatter, with the narrator finding himself in Greasy

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Evidence Based Practice amongst Physiotherapists. Attitudes, Essay

Evidence Based Practice amongst Physiotherapists. Attitudes, Knowledge, and Barriers - Essay Example Moreover, they consider reading of research literature as an important activity in their profession. But it is pointed out that there are some barriers which keep them away from reading research journals. In the concluding part, Kamwendo points out: â€Å"A cultural change within the profession, allowing more time for reading and discussing research reports should be encouraged.†(Kamwendo K, 2002) effective changes can be implemented in physiotherapy by allowing more time for reading and discussing research reports. Most of the Swedish physiotherapists like to read journals and other works in their own language. This prevents them to exploit the positive sides of EBP, because most of the journals published on EBP are in English. To conclude, it is important that most of the Swedish physiotherapists value EBP and research in physiotherapy. The research conducted by Diane U Jette, Kimberly Bacon, Cheryl Batty, Melissa Carlson, Amanda Ferland, Richard D Hemingway, Jessica C Hill, Laura Ogilvie and Danielle Volk, namely ‘Evidence-Based Practice: Beliefs, Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviors of Physical Therapists’, states that the physical therapist members of American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) strongly supports the Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in their field. The hypothesis points out the close relation between quality and individual practice characteristics of physiotherapists. The respondents supported the importance of evidence in practice because they like to rely upon evidence than theory. The theories are applicable for the general field of medical care. But when it is applied to physiotherapy, practitioner had to consider so many individual factors related to the patient. Rich literature in EBP helps physiotherapists to provide better patient care. It is a fact that younger and recently lic ensed practitioners rely on research works and EBP to improve their skills. Furthermore, most of the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

A Journal opinion article - Essay Example ObamaCare a health insurance has the official name of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to Health Care that was enacted into law in 2010 and will be implemented this year. One of the salient implications of the law when it is fully implemented in 2014 would be the enforced coverage of patients which insurance companies presently deem as â€Å"high risk†. It will also refocus the policy orientation of health care practices from being reactive (as coverage focuses on treatment) to being proactive as the new health care policy will also put importance on preventive therapies. Where before check-ups, consultations and preventive therapies requires a co-pay from policy holders, it will no longer be required under the new law so as not to discourage patients from availing preventative measures in looking after their health. Obama’s new health care policy will also address the present inequitable distribution of health care spending. Previously, half of the total expenditures in health care were spent on the 5% of the population and only 3% were spent on the 50% of the population. As it currently stands, the majority of American population receives only a miniscule fraction of health care expenditure while half of its total health care expenditures were spent on a small privilege number of Americans. Clearly, there was an uneven and inequitable distribution of health care cost allocation which the law would like to address. The new law intends to address and rectify this inequity in health coverage by the mechanism of the Obamacare. Under Obamacare, Government’s funding for Medicaid, the US government’s health care program for lower income families will be expanded thus covering more low income Americans. In addition, the new health care policy will also expand its coverage to employee’s children the age of 27. Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when fully implemented next year, health insurance co mpanies can no longer refuse coverage adults who have pre-existing conditions. Perhaps this component of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act made the law a â€Å"true patient’s bill of rights†. This law if fully implemented in 2014 will end one of the most unpleasant practices of insurance companies to unilaterally rescind or cancel a health insurance policy which were becoming a frequent practice among insurance companies to bend the legalities of an insurance coverage to avoid expensive insurance claims. Also, lifetime caps or limitation of the amount of insurance coverage which is the current practice of insurance companies on individual policies will also be removed when Obama’s new health care policy will be fully implemented in 2014. The budge for Medicare will also increase significantly. This increase of budget in Medicare has an implication to rural hospitals and other health care establishments that have a small number of Medicare patients w ill also be included in Medicare payment. Although well intended, President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act however was met with rabid criticism. Recently, Obama care had been the main cause of Republicans and Democrats came into a gridlock that no budget was allocated in 2014 that caused the government to shutdown in October 2014 in the effort of Republicans to defund Obamacare. Among those issues leveled against it and its implication are its added costs because the expanded coverage of Medicaid and Medicare will require additional funding from the federal government.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The skeletal system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The skeletal system - Essay Example The joints that connect a bone to another bone, a bone to a cartilage or a cartilage with another cartilage are important components of the skeletal system as they are responsible for the mobility of the human body (Skeletal system, n.d). A new born infant usually possess around 230 bones while a fully grown adult will approximately have about 206 bones. The human skeleton is divided into two major components namely the axial and appendicular skeleton. The axial portion comprises about 80 bones which include those in the skull, vertebral column and thoracic cage which comprise the axis of the body. The appendicular portion has about 126 bones, attached to the axial skeleton, which include the different appendages within the body and includes the shoulder girdle, skeletal portions of the upper and lower limb and the pelvic girdle (Skeletal system, n.d; Kulkarni, n.d; Anatomy of the bone, n.d). The human body consists of 5 types of bones which are classified based on their shape and function. These include the long bones whose length is greater than their width such as the limb bones, the short bones with approximately equal length and width include the carpals and tarsals, the flat bones which are attached to muscles s uch as the breast bone mainly protect body organs, the bones of the vertebral and mandibles are irregular in shape and the sesamoid bones which are small and present in the joints such as the knee cap provide protection to the tendons (Kulkarni, n.d; Types of bone, n.d; Anatomy of the bone, n.d).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Philosophy - epistemology Essay Example for Free

Philosophy epistemology Essay Descartes is very successful philosophers in 17th century. Rene Descartes is widely accepted as the father of modern philosophy. He tried to create fundamental philosophy for natural sciences. Descartes mainly focus on his philosophical contributions in the theory of knowledge and his famous work focus on the epistemological project, Meditations on First Philosophy. He wants to explain his thought in Meditations on First Philosophy which is as original in philosophical modus as in content. Meditations on First Philosophy examine Descartes’ arguments and opinion. Although there are 6 meditations in this book, this paper points out the search for a foundation of knowledge (the question of truth) and doubt the â€Å"Cogito† (I think; therefore I am). First of all, in the First Meditation, Descartes demonstrates that several arguments for doubting all of his previously basic beliefs. Everything that he thought is the doubt. He has started to doubt from everything and he wanted to find the question of truth with own ideas. Descartes defines knowledge in terms of doubt and he aims ‘to reach certain’. At the same time, we have to use five senses but Descartes believes the senses sometimes deceive us concerning things. Also Descartes is often convinced when he is dreaming that he is sensing real objects. For instance, he said that â€Å"There is the fact that I am here, seated by the fire, and attired in a dressing gown, having this paper in my hands and other similar matters. And how could I deny that these hands and this body are mine (†¦)† (146). Descartes believes that we can achieve certain truth when we will doubt everything. Descartes uses some question to help prove one of his main arguments and ideas to find truth. For example, how we know certain, what is true, what we see, what we hear? As we can see, according to Descartes, the senses are not enough to decide what is real. He believes the truth is in his mind and he must use his mind. Descartes’ Second Meditation discusses some parts. First part explain that how a body can understand things, such as objects. Descartes examined how the mind should know better that human body. Although we need senses for everything, the mind is more important because all knowledge accumulate in our mind. Second part includes Descartes opinion about thinking. According to Descartes, thinking is very significant point because thinking is the ability to doubt, use imagination and reach certain truth. His famous theory is â€Å"Cogito Ergo Sum† which called ‘I think, therefore I am’. Descartes said that, â€Å"I don’t yet know clearly enough what I am. † (151) It means that, sometimes he has convinced himself that there is absolutely nothing in the world such as no sky, no earth also no mind no body. Descartes believes that if people convinced themselves of something then they existed. To conclude, we can infer that Descartes defend the certain truth is our knowledge and thought. These meditations are considered about modern philosophy. At the same time, Descartes wants to create gripping subject to study science.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Victorian society and life style Essay Example for Free

Victorian society and life style Essay This essay uses A Conan Doyle interpretation of three cases in the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, to demonstrate how language, setting, characterisation and the role of the women reflects different aspects of Victorian society and life style.  A Conan Doyle uses typical language that is relevant for the Victorian period. In each of the cases, we expect to find a wide range of techniques used to emphasise and create an image of Victorian society and lifestyle in the readers mind. A Conan Doyle applies figurative language, repetition, grotesque and satirical caricatures and long complex sentences with detailed description. These techniques that A Conan Doyle uses helps the reader to understand the setting and characterisation more distinctly and clearly.  A Conan Doyle uses figurative language to make the reader create an image in their heads of the character or setting. Figurative language is a range of metaphors and similes that are being compared to a person or thing. Here is an example that A Conan Doyle has used in the speckled band (description of Dr. Roylott), high thin fleshless nose gave him some what resemblance to a fierce old bird of prey. In this quote the author is comparing Dr. Roylotts facial features to a fierce old bird of prey, this a metaphor used to help visualise the characters appearance. A Conan Doyle uses grotesque and satirical caricature in some cases. He uses this technique to describe the villain. In the description of Dr. Roylott in the speckled band, A Conan Doyle makes the readers imagine how nasty Dr. Roylott looks by putting in, bile shot eyes. This makes the villain more imaginative and easier for the readers to picture as unpleasant and mean.  A Conan Doyle uses long complex sentences to make a character or setting bold and clear, so the readers can easily relate and become more involved in the adventures. In long complex sentences A Conan Doyle uses Victorian words. These words are not often used today, so readers can really understand the distinct differences between today and back then the Victorians used very old English, however by using these words the reader is given a bolder, clearer and much more of a characteristic image. A Conan Doyle uses very long complex sentences to describe the king of bohemia in the scandal in bohemia, completed the impression of barbaric opulence which was suggested by his whole appearance. This gives the readers a clearer and detailed description of the event. In the quote it says he came with an uncultural but rich appearance focusing on detail. The sentence is considered complex as it uses more than one clause and unusual and uncommon words and metaphors where not familiar the words and terms i.e. opulence. In Victorian history women were be considered weaker than men. The readers can see this through some of A Conan Doyles cases. The man with the twisted lip women were really clumsy and weak. The readers can see this from the way Mrs. St Clair always kept fainting at the sight of blood, Mrs. St Clair had fainted at the sight of blood., however there were some woman that were really sly and cunning, like Irene Adler from scandal in bohemia, when she tricked Sherlock Holmes and eloped with her fianc, how best plans of Sherlock Holmes were beaten by a womans wit. In Victorian times women were really weaker than men. The second stain describes a clumsy woman, where a man blackmails a woman for a letter that could start war with another country. The weakness shows as she gives in to the man, in return for my secret not to be let out, he told me to get the blue envelope in the box. So I did A Conan Doyles thee adventure of Sherlock Holmes, gives readers an image of how Victorian London appeared. Readers are given the impression that Victorian London was a very dull, dirty and contaminated place. In most cases Victorian London was very nasty, dirty and a scary place, especially the way it is described in the man with the twisted lip. The setting in the man with the twisted lip is realistic, as at the same time jack the ripper was known, upper swandom lane is vile alley. This quote gives the reader an impression that Victorian London was very unclean and dirty. Steep flight of steps leading down to a black gap like the mouth of a cave. This quote gives the reader a frightening and dull suspense like of the setting and atmosphere. Dr. Watson is at the top of the flight of stairs and he is looking down them, when he looks down them he sees that the stairs lead to total darkness. The reader imagines a never-ending staircase or something gruesome waits at the bottom. In the adventures of Sherlock Holmes readers are able to understand Victorian lifestyle. This can be identified through the character Sherlock Holmes. In each case Sherlock Holmes is considered to be the hero as he is described as a, professional investigator. Dr Watson describes positive factors regarding Holmes, he admires, the rapid deductions, as swift as intuitions, and yet always founded on a logical basis, with which he unravelled the problems, which were submitted to him. This quote shows how Sherlock Holmes was dedicated to his work. Another example of the values of the period is seen through the character Dr.Watson. In the story the man with the twisted lip we see Dr.Watson helping a woman in distress, because her husband is missing, so he investigates by himself, I could manage it better if I were alone. This was considered very heroic at the time. As he is protecting the innocent woman. The character of Dr Roylott from the speckled band shows the readers the values, which were despised of at the time. In the speckled band Dr Roylott is described as a furious and violent person, Holmes the Scotland yard jack-in-office and, we heard the hoarse roar of the doctors voice, and saw the fury with which he shook his clenched fists at him. From these quotes the readers can tell that Victorian people despised this sort of attitude, because he turns violent and furious easily. By reading Sherlock Holmes the readers find many lifestyles, it just depends on which character is described. If it is a poor person then there lifestyle is at the opium den where it is a, low room, with thick and heavy brown opium smoke, and back in the Victorian times there were a lot of poor people, so the opium dens wouldve been packed, forecastle of an emigrant ship. If it is a heroic person like Sherlock Holmes or Dr Watson than their lifestyle is rich and cosy lifestyle for example a house with a maid, big cosy armchair, in front of a big chimney fire in a, cheery sitting room, with a nice friendly atmosphere. But if it is a villainous and hated person like Dr Roylott then their lifestyle will be dark, very gloomy and unpleasant, for example an old wrecked house that nobody has cared for, the few acres of bramble covered land.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Nestle Marketing Plan Analysis

Nestle Marketing Plan Analysis Nestlà © S.A. is the largest nutrition and foods company in the world, founded and headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. Nestlà © originated in a 1905 merger of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, which was established in 1866 by brothers George Page and Charles Page, and the Farine Lactà ©e Henri Nestlà © Company, which was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlà ©. The company grew significantly during the First World War and following the Second World War, eventually expanding its offerings beyond its early condensed milk and infant formula products. Today, the company operates in 86 countries around the world and employs nearly 283,000 individuals. Nestlà © S.A. is the largest food and beverage company in the world. With a manufacturing facility or office in nearly every country of the world, Nestlà © often is referred to as the most multinational of the multinationals. Nestlà © markets approximately 7,500 brands organized into the following categories: baby foods, breakfast cereals, ch ocolate and confectionery, beverages, bottled water, dairy products, ice cream, prepared foods, foodservice, and pet care. Nestlà © is often referred to as the most multinational of the multinationals with a manufacturing facility or office in nearly every country of the world. Nestlà © markets approximately 7,500 brands organized into the following categories: baby foods, breakfast cereals, chocolate and confectionery, beverages, bottled water, dairy products, ice cream, prepared foods, foodservice, and pet care. Nestle is a decentralized organization where responsibility for operating decisions is delegated to local units, which have a high degree of autonomy concerning pricing, distribution, marketing, etc. Nestle is organized into seven different worldwide strategic business units (SBUs). These have responsibility for high-level strategic decisions and engage in overall strategic business development, including acquisitions and market entry strategy. There is a regional organization that divides the world into five major geographical zones, such as Europe, North America, etc. The regional organizat ions are responsible for developing regional strategies and assist in the overall strategy development process. However, neither SBU nor regional manager gets involved in local operating decisions. Research and Development department is rather important for the company. Nestle spends around 1 percent of its annual sales revenue on RD and has 3,100 employees dedicated to this function. The RD function comprises eighteen different groups, which operate in eleven countries all over the world. For more than 30 years, consumers have been enjoying the healthy benefits of BEAR BRAND Filled Milk Powder. But now, Nestle has introduced a great innovation. Nestle has launched BEAR BRAND CHOCO. Moms and kids are the target market for this new product. Aside from its irresistible chocolatey taste, BEAR BRAND CHOCO has the goodness of milk. Just like BEAR BRAND Filled Milk Powder, it is fortified with resistance-building Zinc and Vitamin C. These are essential nutrients that help fight sickness and fatigue. Company Perspectives: Quality is the essential ingredient in all brands and the reason why millions of people choose Nestlà © products every day. Nestles consumers have come to trust in Nestlà ©s commitment to excellence and turn to Nestlà © brands to maintain nutritional balance in a fast paced world. Marketing Plan of Nestle In todays very competitive marketplace a strategy that insures a consistent approach plays an important role. It offers products and services to be competitive. However, marketing strategy must have a well defined methodology for the day to day process of implementing it. It is of little value to have a strategy if there is lack either in resources or the expertise to implement it. Marketing strategy must address some unique considerations. However, many are common to all marketing strategies. Marketing plan of nestle consists of the following framework: Purpose and Mission Situational Analysis Marketing Strategy and Objectives Additional Consideration This marketing plan is aimed at highlighting one of the product line extensions of Nestles. It mainly focuses on the internal and external environment of Nestle. Apart from that, this plan include the marketing strategies, brand promotion strategies, marketing mix involved and competitive strategies adopted by Nestle. SWOT analysis one of the major content which is included in this marketing plan. SWOT analysis helps in finding out the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Apart from that it helps the organization to have a deep knowledge about the opportunities and threats which the organization is likely to face. Purpose and Mission The main purpose of this marketing plan is to analyze various aspects of product-line extension by Nestle. Here the chosen product-line extension is BEAR BRAND CHOCO. The mission of this plan is to find out whether this product-line extension has met Nestle-Corporations expectations before launching this product in the market. Situation Analysis To bring this product, Nestle has applied a lot of innovation in their existing production pattern keeping in view the tastes and preferences of target group mainly kids and moms. Kids mainly prefer tasty food and moms want their kid to be healthy. So, BEAR BRAND CHOCO is a mix of both taste and health. Thus, this product is creating value to its target group. Internal environment of Nestle Nestle has well satisfied employees, who strives to attain the goals of the organization with enthusiasm and hard work. They constitute a major part of internal environment of an organization. Resources of Nestle have been efficiently employed to the maximum extent. Nestle has created satisfaction among customer. Thus, it has a good reputation among customers. Nestle has good expertise who are capable of delivering their ideas which can achieves the organizations goals and objectives. External environment of Nestle Competition: Nestle is facing competition largely. Nestle has played a good role in facing the competition. Market: Nestle has very efficiently managed the market demand by proper market research. Technology: Nestle has adopted the best technology to produce its products. Thus, all these above mentioned aspects clearly indicate the internal and external environment in which Nestle has been situated. While launching a new product Nestle has to keep in mind all these environments. Nestle has to fore see the environment by adopting the opportunities which is prevailing in the environment. Nestle has to put effort in converting its weaknesses into opportunities and using strength to face the threats present in the environment. Marketing Strategies International Strategies adopted by Nestle: Nestlà ©s strategy has been to acquire local companies in order to form a group of autonomous regional managers who know more about the culture of the local markets than Americans or Europeans. Nestlà © has employed a wide-area strategy for Asia that involves producing different products in each country to supply the region with a given product from one country. For example, Nestlà © produces soy milk in Indonesia, coffee creamers in Thailand, soybean flour in Singapore, candy in Malaysia, and cereal in the Philippines, all for regional distribution. Another strategy that has been successful for Nestlà © involves striking strategic partnerships with other large companies. In the early 1990s, Nestlà © entered into an alliance with Coca Cola in ready-to-drink teas and coffees in order to benefit from Coca Colas worldwide bottling system and expertise in prepared beverages. Nestle employ local staff. Local employees better know and understand the local culture and business procedures. This can result in a more efficient way to respond adequately to local demand conditions, therefore increasing the companys market share and profitability. Nestlà ©s strategy for business development Nestle enters in an early stage the emerging markets, in order to establish a network there before competitors. Nestle simply purchases local brand names which the consumer is accustomed to. This helps the company to overcome cultural barriers and customer resentments to foreign brands. Nestles strategy is to establish a basis and then expand into more niches as demand rises. Other strategies adopted by Nestle: Nestlà © established its expatriate army which is a group of about 700 managers who have a lot of experience in doing management activities in foreign countries. These managers are highly educated and trained in order to enable them a worldwide field of operations. Another approach is to form SBUs. These units formulate the high level strategic decisions on a worldwide basis, while each of these SBUs focuses on a specific segment: chocolate, infant food, cereals, coffee etc. Overall strategy development such as acquisition and market entry strategy these SBUs form an important part of the companys decision making and operating process. Nestlà ©s marketing mix includes the following: Product Price Promotion Place Product Nestle has launched BEAR BRAND CHOCO which is a health drink specially for kids and moms. Aside from its irresistible chocolatey taste, BEAR BRAND CHOCO has the goodness of milk. Just like your trusted BEAR BRAND Filled Milk Powder, it is fortified with resistance-building Zinc and Vitamin C. These are essential nutrients that help fight sickness and fatigue. BEAR BRAND CHOCO is nutritious and delicious with affordable price. Price Customers directly relate price to quality, particularly in case of products that are ego intensive of technology based. Nestle, being a company that emphasizes product quality, it tends to sell its products with price affordable to all. Market Penetration Strategy Nestle has adopted market penetration strategy since they have to penetrate the market as much as possible and for them income is not so critical and rapid market penetration for eventual market control is desired Thus, the price for such product is very low. BEAR BRAND CHOCO is a budget friendly pack available in different pack size. BEAR BRAND CHOCO comes in two pack sizes, namely the 300g pack, which is good for 10 servings and the 60g pack, which contains 2 servings. A serving only costs P7.50*. Promotion Nestle is mainly focusing on advertisements which is considered to be a very good medium of promotion. It has a good reach among the customers. Moreover Nestle has adopted various other modes of promotion like magazines etc. The Push Strategy maximizes the use of all available channels of distribution to push the offering into the marketplace. The Pull Strategies involves direct interface with the consumers. It focuses in advertisement rather than various channels of distribution. Thus, Nestle is focusing on both Pull and Push Strategy. Place Nestle has targeted almost all the areas including rural areas and urban areas. In almost all the super-market and all other out-lets Nestle products are available. All the customers seem to be very happy with the availability of Nestle product in the market. Addition Consideration Based on the above mentioned information, a critical SWOT analysis can be made with the help of available information. SWOT analysis helps an organization to understand their strengths and weaknesses and also to have an idea about what the opportunities available to them outside and what are the likely threats they can face in future. Strengths Global food producer, located in over 100 countries. Consistently one of the worlds largest producers of food products, with sales in the USA in 2008 of $10 billion; sales and earnings in 2008 were better than expected, even in a downturned economy. Repeatedly ranked as the worlds largest bottled water company and have set up facilities to operate water resources in a responsible manner. Nestlà © was named one of Americas Most Admired Food Companies in Fortune magazine for the twelfth consecutive year. Nestlà © provides quality brands and products and line extensions that are well-known, top-selling brands including: Lean Cuisine, Yoplait, Maggi, Dryers/Edys, Haagen-Dazs, Stouffers, Boost, Dibs, Hot Pockets. Chocolate and Candy: Kit Kat, Toll House, Butterfinger, Baby Ruth, Crunch Bar, the Willy Wonka Candy line. Pet Products: Purina, Alpo, Cat Chow, Fancy Feast, Friskies, Tidy Cat. Drinks: Carnation, Perrier, Nesquik, S. Pellegrino, Nescafe, CoffeeMate, Tasters Choice, Juicy Juice. General Mills: subsidiary which makes Betty Crocker, Bisquick, Hamburger Helper, Pillsbury, Old El Paso, cereals, fruit snacks, frozen pizza, canned soups, frozen vegetables, ready-made frozen meals. Gerber: baby formula, prepared baby foods, baby cereals, water, juice, yogurt, foods for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Professional brands sold to restaurants, colleges, hotels, and food professionals including Jenny Craig meals, Impact liquid meals for trauma patients, liquid meals for diabetics, and OptiFast weight loss products. Successful due in part to their unquestionable ability to keep major brands consistently in the forefront of consumers minds (and in their shopping carts) by renovating existing product lines, keeping major brands from slipping into saturation/decline and having superior access to distribution channels. Weaknesses Their LC-1 division was not as successful as they thought it would be in France. In the late 1980s, Dannon entered the market with a health-based yogurt, and become the top selling brand of yogurt; Nestlà ©s 1994 launch was behind the product life cycle curve in an already mature market and could not compete against a strong, established brand. Growth in their organic food sales division was flat in 2008, even though the industry grew 8.9%. Since 2004 the breakfast cereal industry has been under fire from the FDA and the American Medical Association, both of which say that false claims of heart healthy and lower cholesterol need to be removed from packaging and advertising. They have also been forced to reduce the amount of sugar in their products, as parents advocates groups claimed they were contributing to the diabetes epidemic among American children. General Mills is an experienced, established brand and are the market leader in the USA, however, they have been lacking in innovation, have not cashed in on the booming health food craze and have been behind in creating new, niche products, especially in their yogurt division, where Yoplait is the only brand making a profit. In 2008, although their products did not carry the recalled pistachios, several of their ice cream brands, Dryers, Edys and Haagen-Dazs, were still plagued with bad PR and loss of sales. Opportunities In todays health conscious societies, they can introduce more health-based products, and because they are a market leader, they would likely be more successful. Provide allergen free food items, such as gluten free and peanut free. They launched a new premium line of higher cacao content chocolates dubbed Nestlà © Treasures Gold, in order to cash in on the recession economy in which consumers cut back on luxury goods, but regularly indulge in candy and chocolate. Americans want luxury chocolates, and high-end chocolate is immune to the recession (so far), because it is an inexpensive indulgence. Opened Nestlà © Cafà ©s in major cities to feature Nestlà © products. Threats Any contamination of the food supply, especially e-coli. Their Toll House brand cookie dough was recalled in March of 2009 because of e-coli. Outbreaks were linked to 28 states and the product had to be recalled globally. Nestlà © has yet to find out how this happened, and is still investigating. They were affected by the pet food recall in 2007, in which 95 different brands of dog and cat food was recalled due to contamination with rat poison. Also in 2007, FDA learned that certain pet foods were sickening and killing cats and dogs. FDA found contaminants in vegetable proteins imported into the United States from China and used as ingredients in pet food. Raw chocolate ingredient prices are soaring; dairy costs alone rose 50% in 2008, this cuts heavily into their profit margins and often gets passed on to consumers, by shrinking the packaging in a way that is almost unnoticeable-therefore the consumer is paying the same prices for less product. They have major competitors, like Hersheys, Cadbury-Schweppes (owned by Pepsi), Lindt and Ghirardelli, Kelloggs, Post, Starbucks, Beech-Nut, Quaker, Kraft Foods, Dannon, Del-Monte, Iams, Earths Best, Heinz, Frito-Lay (owned by Pepsi). Conclusion Nestle can earn greater return from its distinctive competencies, i.e. unique strengths that allow a company to achieve superior efficiency, quality, innovation and customer responsiveness. By applying those competencies, and the products they produce, to foreign markets where indigenous competitors lack similar competencies and products, Nestle can realize enormous returns. Furthermore, Nestle can take advantage of location economies. Location economies arise from performing a value creation activity in the optimal location for that activity, anywhere in the world. The optimal location for a value creating activity lowers the costs of value creation therefore helping the company achieve a low-cost position. Nevertheless, Nestle must evaluate basic entry decisions before entering an emergent market. The company has to make a choice among different foreign markets on the basis of their long-run profit potential. Nestle has to balance the benefits, costs. INDIVIDUAL CRITICAL REFLECTION Nestlà © S.A. is the largest nutrition and foods company in the world, founded and headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. Nestlà © originated in a 1905 merger of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, which was established in 1866 by brothers George Page and Charles Page, and the Farine Lactà ©e Henri Nestlà © Company, which was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlà ©. Nestlà © is often referred to as the most multinational of the multinationals with a manufacturing facility or office in nearly every country of the world. Nestlà © markets approximately 7,500 brands organized into the following categories: baby foods, breakfast cereals, chocolate and confectionery, beverages, bottled water, dairy products, ice cream, prepared foods, foodservice, and pet care. Quality is the essential ingredient in all brands and the reason why millions of people choose Nestlà © products every day. Nestles consumers have come to trust in Nestlà ©s commitment to excellence and turn to Nestlà © brands to maintain nutritional balance in a fast paced world. Nestle has always delivered high quality products with reasonable prices and in different quantities and sizes. This tells us the way it is marketing its products. Even consumers from low level can have access to the product. This is one of the best features of Nestle. Even though, Nestle has undergone various problems in the past with regard to the contamination of food product which has created bad impression in the minds of the consumers and has affected its reputation in the market. Still Nestle has put great effort in overcoming all its pitfalls by developing products of high quality and good nutritional value. Following are the sources which clearly determine the way in which Nestle has delivered value to the customers: Nestle has well satisfied employees, who strives to attain the goals of the organization with enthusiasm and hard work. They constitute a major part of internal environment of an organization. Nestle has good expertise who are capable of delivering their ideas which can achieves the organizations goals and objectives. Nestle has very efficiently managed the market demand by proper market research. Nestle has adopted the best technology to produce its products. Nestle has made available their products in all most all the geographic areas of the world. Suggestions for Nestle to have improvement in delivering the value to customer: Nestle can have improvement in its RD department, so that the products produced by them are efficient to satisfy the needs of the consumers and deliver maximum value to the consumers. Nestle should have a through market research and identify the changing pattern in the market so that it can ensure greater value to its customers. Nestle should strive to produce environmental friendly products which are totally harmless and are capable of giving value to customers. Applying the above mentioned suggestion help Nestle to create a good reputation in the market and deliver greater value to the customers. Value created by advertisement Advertisement plays an important role in promotion of products. It creates a direct link between the product and end users and there by deliver a long lasting impact on consumers. Consumers can feel the products with the help of advertisements. They can understand the feature of the products before buying. Nestle has used both channels of distributions and advertisement for the promotion and distribution of the products. Nestlà ©s marketing mix includes the following: Product Price Promotion Place Product Nestle has launched BEAR BRAND CHOCO which is a health drink specially for kids and moms. Aside from its irresistible chocolatey taste, BEAR BRAND CHOCO has the goodness of milk. Just like your trusted BEAR BRAND Filled Milk Powder, it is fortified with resistance-building Zinc and Vitamin C. These are essential nutrients that help fight sickness and fatigue. BEAR BRAND CHOCO is nutritious and delicious with affordable price. Price Customers directly relate price to quality, particularly in case of products that are ego intensive of technology based. Nestle, being a company that emphasizes product quality, it tends to sell its products with price affordable to all. Market Penetration Strategy Nestle has adopted market penetration strategy since they have to penetrate the market as much as possible and for them income is not so critical and rapid market penetration for eventual market control is desired Thus, the price for such product is very low. BEAR BRAND CHOCO is a budget friendly pack available in different pack size. BEAR BRAND CHOCO comes in two pack sizes, namely the 300g pack, which is good for 10 servings and the 60g pack, which contains 2 servings. A serving only costs P7.50*. Promotion Nestle is mainly focusing on advertisements which is considered to be a very good medium of promotion. It has a good reach among the customers. Moreover Nestle has adopted various other modes of promotion like magazines etc. The Push Strategy maximizes the use of all available channels of distribution to push the offering into the marketplace. The Pull Strategies involves direct interface with the consumers. It focuses in advertisement rather than various channels of distribution. Thus, Nestle is focusing on both Pull and Push Strategy. Place Nestle has targeted almost all the areas including rural areas and urban areas. In almost all the super-market and all other out-lets Nestle products are available. All the customers seem to be very happy with the availability of Nestle product in the market. Thus, Nestle has a good marketing mix, in which each component is capable of delivering value to the customers to the maximum extent. Marketing Strategies International Strategies adopted by Nestle: Nestlà ©s strategy has been to acquire local companies in order to form a group of autonomous regional managers who know more about the culture of the local markets than Americans or Europeans. Nestlà © has employed a wide-area strategy for Asia that involves producing different products in each country to supply the region with a given product from one country. For example, Nestlà © produces soy milk in Indonesia, coffee creamers in Thailand, soybean flour in Singapore, candy in Malaysia, and cereal in the Philippines, all for regional distribution. Another strategy that has been successful for Nestlà © involves striking strategic partnerships with other large companies. In the early 1990s, Nestlà © entered into an alliance with Coca Cola in ready-to-drink teas and coffees in order to benefit from Coca Colas worldwide bottling system and expertise in prepared beverages. Nestle employ local staff. Local employees better know and understand the local culture and business procedures. This can result in a more efficient way to respond adequately to local demand conditions, therefore increasing the companys market share and profitability. Nestlà ©s strategy for business development Nestle enters in an early stage the emerging markets, in order to establish a network there before competitors. Nestle simply purchases local brand names which the consumer is accustomed to. This helps the company to overcome cultural barriers and customer resentments to foreign brands. Nestles strategy is to establish a basis and then expand into more niches as demand rises. Other strategies adopted by Nestle: Nestlà © established its expatriate army which is a group of about 700 managers who have a lot of experience in doing management activities in foreign countries. These managers are highly educated and trained in order to enable them a worldwide field of operations. Another approach is to form SBUs. These units formulate the high level strategic decisions on a worldwide basis, while each of these SBUs focuses on a specific segment: chocolate, infant food, cereals, coffee etc. Overall strategy development such as acquisition and market entry strategy these SBUs form an important part of the companys decision making and operating process. Components of a professional marketing plan The Marketing Plan is a highly detailed, heavily researched and, hopefully, well written report that many inside and possibly outside the organization will evaluate. It is an essential document for both large corporate marketing departments and for startup companies. Essentially the Marketing Plan: Forces the marketing personnel to look internally in order to fully understand the results of past marketing decisions. Forces the marketing personnel to look externally in order to fully understand the market in which they operate. Sets future goals and provides direction for future marketing efforts that everyone within the organization should understand and support. Is a key component in obtaining funding to pursue new initiatives? The Marketing Plan is generally undertaken for one of the following reasons: Needed as part of the yearly planning process within the marketing functional area. Needed for a specialized strategy to introduce something new, such as new product planning, entering new markets, or trying a new strategy to fix an existing problem. Is a component within an overall business plan, such as a new business proposal to the financial community? In this project Following components are used: Purpose and Mission Situational Analysis Marketing Strategy and Objectives Additional Consideration Prior knowledge with regard to the learning outcomes If the market is very attractive and enterprise is one of the strongest in the industry you then the organization should invest best resources in support of their offering. If the market is very attractive and the enterprise is one of the weaker ones in the industry then it must concentrate on strengthening the enterprise, using their offering as a stepping stone toward this objective. If the market is not especially attractive, but the enterprise is one of the strongest in the industry then an effective marketing and sales effort for their offering will be good for generating near term profits. If the market is not especially attractive and the enterprise is one of the weaker ones in the industry then the organization should promote their offering only if it supports a more profitable part of your business or if it absorbs some of the overhead costs of a more profitable segment. Otherwise, the organization should determine the most cost effective way to divest the enterprise of this offering Comments on the learning process undergone While undergoing learning process, I was able to apply various concepts which were taught in the classrooms to the practical situations which Nestle has under went in their way of doing business. I could analyze the importance of various factors which were directly related to the success of the business like the appropriate mix of marketing components called product, price, promotion and place. I could relate various marketing concept which were studied in the text books like pull and push strategy and pricing strategies like price skimming and price penetration. I could understand the market mix in dept and it was a great experience to find out what happens when there is a slight change in the marketing mix of an organization. I could understand the strategies which Nestle has followed from time to time in order to sustain and gain competitive advantage. I could understand how organizations take strategic decisions in the long run and what the effects were if the strategic decision does not work well. Questions and answers with regard to the learning outcomes How will an organization develop a clear idea about the changes in the consumers change in tastes and preferences? Answer: An organization can have a clear idea of changes in the consumers tastes and preferences by having a detailed marketing research in all most all the aspects of market. How can an organization make changes in their marketing mix? Answer: An organization can make changes in their marketing mix by gaining a detailed idea about what consumers tastes and preferences are. How does an organization fix its pricing strategies? Answer: Organizations usually fix there prices as per the cost incurred to them plus the profit margin. Sometimes pricing strategy greatly depends on the target group for whom the product is produced. Thus, we can identify how different marketing functions and marketing concepts are inter-related and how a slight change in one affects the other.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Great Grey Owls Essay -- essays research papers fc

Great Gray Owls   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I learned many interesting things by reading this article on great grey owls. I really had no knowledge of this species before I began, but I now have a certain respect for them because of the familiarity I have gained. One interesting aspect of these owls is their hunting methods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The great gray owl is a very aggressive hunter when it finds its prey. â€Å"These owls don’t just pounce, the plunge† (Warren, p.78). First, they locate their prey with the help of their large facial disk that funnels sound to their ears. Then, they tuck their extremely sharp hooked-shaped claws under their chin and torpedo headfirst towards the ground to snatch their next meal. In winter, when there is snow on the ground, the owl plunges into the snow. After a successful dive, it wiggles out from below the surface of the snow and takes its food to a safe spot to eat. These owls are so powerful when they hunt, they can shatter snow crust thick enough to hold a 180 pound person. I don’t think they will be losing too many meals with that kind of force. This hunting technique these owls use gives them a great advantage over other birds in the winter, because others must go to a place where the snow is not so thick. Great gray owls eat a variety of rodents in the lower 48 states, but stick to mostly voles in Canada and Alaska. These small rodents make up 80-90% of their diet. In the winter, adult gray owls can assume up to one-th...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Parenting Styles: What They Are and Why They Matter Essay -- Most Effe

A parent is not only the loving mother who holds you close to her for nine months and then many years, or the dad who plays baseball with you and intimidates his daughter’s dates. It is someone who is there for you from the start, guiding you to the right path of knowledge and teaching you how to stay on the right path independently. A parent does not need to have any biological associations to the child in order to be a parent to them. A parent must have certain characteristics to be rightfully called a parent. For many years psychologists have defined ways to correctly support a child to adulthood for parents all over the world. Some people conclude their practice of parenting their children after the child reaches the age of 18, and some have the duty as a lifelong job. As years pass so do generations and media changes very constantly and plays a factor in how children act and respond to certain stimuli. There was a study done in 2009 and people in Poughkeepsie had answere d a poll that revealed overall every age group finds it harder to raise a child in today’s day and age than it had been in previous generations, but the older the parent is, the longer the generation gap would be and that factors in the difficulty of understanding how media works with a child’s psychological set up. What a child watches on a television screen is what the child will imitate through behavior. However, parenting is not a book written by a doctor, parenting is having a family, and creating memories, also ensuring that your children live in a nourishing environment for their emotional, mental, and physical health. The accepted goal of a parent is to ensure that their child or children grow to be mature and able to both support themselves and a f... ...s Correlates. ERIC Digest. Extreme Parenting (28 Mar. 2011) Web. 20 Nov. 2014. Ishak, Z., Low, S. F., & Lau, P. L. (2012). Parenting Style as a Moderator for Students’ Academic Achievement. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(4), 487-493. Parsasirat, Z., Montazeri, M., Yusooff, F., Subhi, N., & Nen, S. (2013). The Most Effective Kinds of Parents on Children’s Academic Achievement. Asian Social Science, 9(13), p229. Talib, M. B. A., Abdullah, R., & Mansor, M. (2011). Relationship between Parenting Style and Children’s Behavior Problems. Asian Social Science, 7(12), p195. Timpano, K. R., Keough, M. E., Mahaffey, B., Schmidt, N. B., & Abramowitz, J. (2010). Parenting and obsessive compulsive symptoms: Implications of authoritarian parenting. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 24(3), 151-164.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Beowulf’s Confidence Essay

Beowulf was written in the earliest age of English poetry. Back in the Anglo-Saxon times, in order to make a name for themselves, warriors had to fight in battles. They believe that you should fight until death with absolutely no retreating. Beowulf, a young Geatish warrior, comes to Hrothgar’s kingdom to return a favor to him. While Beowulf is there, he fights in two battles; the battle with Grendel and the battle with Grendel’s mother. Much later in the poem, he fights in his third battle, defeating the dragon harming his country. Beowulf’s confidence decreases as each battle occurs. In Beowulf’s battle with Grendel, Beowulf is extremely confident. This confidence is very apparent in his attitude. When he first comes to Hrothgar’s court, he tells him that he had â€Å"firm resolve when [he] set to sea† (Beowulf 22). This confidence is also apparent in Beowulf’s preparation. He chooses to abandon his armor and weapons in the fight. He very dramatically â€Å"[strips] from his shoulders the byrny of steel, / [doffs] helmet from head† (23). Beowulf has a huge advantage on Grendel because he is very strong. He is so strong that the people of his country say that his handgrip is equivalent to that of â€Å"thirty men’s strength† (15). Beowulf’s confidence is extremely evident as he prepares to fight Grendel. Beowulf prepares differently in the fight with Grendel’s mother because he is not as confident as he was in the first battle. Beowulf’s attitude while talking to Hrothgar is less confident due to the fact he is not sure of how the battle will end. He has Hrothgar pledge to â€Å"Protect [his] kinsmen, [his] trusty comrades, / If battle take [him]† (48). Beowulf also shows his confidence lessening by deciding to use armor and weapons in the battle. To prepare for the battle, he â€Å"[dons] his armor† (47) with â€Å"A gleaming helmet† (47) and â€Å"the sword the herald of Hrothgar loaned† (47). Beowulf is still somewhat strong compared to his last battle. When Grendel’s mother â€Å"[grapples] and [grasps] the warrior / With horror grip† (48, 49) and tries to â€Å"tear through the tempered mail / With her savage fingers† (49), she cannot harm him. Beowulf’s confidence is not as apparent in the second battle with Grendel’s mother. Beowulf’s confidence continues to decrease as the battle with the dragon occurs. Beowulf’s attitude was extremely negative. His heart â€Å"[is] heavy with anguish† (75). Beowulf’s confidence level is so low that he has special armor prepared for him. The king â€Å"bade work him of iron a wondrous shield, / Knowing full well that wood could not serve him / Nor linden defend him† (75) against the dragon. Beowulf’s strength has drastically changed since the beginning of the first battle. Rather than having the grip of â€Å"thirty men’s strength† (15), Beowulf â€Å"[trusts] the strength / Of his single might† (82). Beowulf shows little to no confidence in the battle with the dragon. Beowulf’s confidence lessens as each battle approaches. He goes from being a great, bold warrior with much confidence, to an old, fragile king with very little confidence. Beowulf comes to a point of weakness where he can no longer defend for himself and needs help from fellow warriors, like Wiglef. His confidence adjusted so extremely that he goes into the last battle expecting a not so good outcome. At the end of the battle with the dragon, Beowulf passes away, with his weakness and little confidence being a huge factor.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Colonialist Criticism by Chinua Achebe Essay

Summary The essay ‘Colonialist Criticism’ is an attack on a lingering colonialism in the criticism of African literature by non-Africans. The African writer writes the text or ‘they produce literature, their literature goes to Europeans for analysis. Every African literature has to get thought the grids of European writers. They have to meet the criteria said by the European writer, African writer wrote the text for the African people but European people analyzed it. It means they are the jury’s bench, or they judge the text. [One question raised that How do they judge] while judging, they always keep on the concept that is big brother consciousness. They always make the binaries. These binaries are like white and black or the European or African. They think that Europeans are superior and big brothers, whereas Africans are inferior and small brothers. Europeans are teacher and Africans are learners. Therefore, Europeans are at the center and Africans are at the margin. Therefore Africans have to learn many more things from the Europeans. They tend to feel that burden of teaching to the Africans. Therefore, Europeans feel that they know more about African literature, art and culture than African themselves. Achebe sees the faults of colonialist criticism in the assumption that the African writer is â€Å"Somewhat unfinished European and that somehow outsiders can know Africa better than the native writers. Achebe opposes, the European colonial prejudice, habit of ruling and discriminating other and comparing African people their literature, art and culture etc. He argues that African literature should not be judged with the canonical literature since it has its own particularity and peculiarity. The mask of European civilization does not know the history of African people. So Achebe’s claim is that blacks (colonized) should write their own history neglecting what has been already universalized. He argues that â€Å"If the text is judged from European perspective a text doesn’t get right evaluation and the essence of the text is killed.† Attacks on Universalism The term ‘Universalism’ is exclusive, it includes the whole world. The term  Universalism refers to European parochialism, European writers always emphasized universality in the writing. They believe that the writer has to cover all the issues in general or the writer has to speak for all. They judge African text form this angle; they argued that the African text is not universal because it does not speak about universal issue. It speaks only African voice, therefore their text is invalid. They are not able to write about the whole universe. The two problems with Universalism, according to Achebe are, first that the presumed universality that critics find, is merely a synonym for the â€Å"narrow self-serving parochialism of Europe† and second, that every literature must â€Å"speak of a particular place; evolve out of the necessities of its history, past and current and the   aspirations and destiny of its people.† It means that every text comes out of specific time space and the people. Therefore, every text is related to space-specific and people-specific. African people have experience about racism. Therefore, they can write about racism deliberately. African might have made many mistakes, but they didn’t bring racism in the world. Therefore, they would, write about it, which is African-specific situation which is pervaded in African. Achebe sustained the idea that â€Å"the term universalism must be vanished.† Attacks on Language African writers writing in English don’t mean that they are following European model. Language is not the property or possession of any group country or continent. Language is common property as well as de-ethicized. English language is not the property of British or American. It doesn’t belong to anyone. African writers are writing in English to make themselves heard. If they write in African language nobody will come to know about them. They have the problem of communication. African writers writing in English wanted to win the attention of the world. Language is the common heritage for all the people. Towards the end of the essay he criticizes the native writers. All the time European writers cannot be slammed deplorable. He says the even native writers have not done anything to uplift the condition of African literature. They are not responsible for their own people. He embodies the  idea and says that only through the earnestness or â€Å"Eager-enough† is most important to uplift the condition of African literature. Only then African literature will get the prestigious status otherwise they will be dominated. For the domination of Europeans Achebe calls ‘seduction’. The native poets and critics are equally responsible for this seduction because they never attempt to break this barricade of this European canon rather they enjoy to be in appendage of it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods Essay

Our ancestors first cultivated plants some ten thousand years ago. They domesticated animals later and then selectively bred both plants and animals to meet various requirements for human food. Humans discovered natural biological processes such as fermentation of fruits and grains to make wine and beer, and yeast for baking bread. Manipulation of foods is not a new story, therefore. The latest agricultural discovery uses genetic engineering technology to modify foods. Farmers and plant breeders have been changing crop plants to improve characteristics such as size, resistance to disease and taste. Plants which grow well, have a higher yield or taste better are selected and bred from. This is still the most widely used technique for developing new varieties of a crop, and is limited by natural barriers which stop different species of organisms from breeding with each other. Genetic modification is very different to these traditional plant breeding techniques. Genetic modification is the insertion of DNA from one organism to another, usually by molecular technologies. Genetically Modified Foods (GMF) are animals or plants that have had genetic modification. This changes the characteristics of the organism, or the way it grows and develops. Jim Maryanski from the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, had the following to say in an interview published on the FDA’s website. ?There are hundreds of new plant varieties introduced every year in the United States, and all have been genetically modified through traditional plant breeding techniques–such as cross-fertilization of selected plants–to produce desired traits.? (Robin)Current and future GM products include:a)Food that can deliver vaccines – bananas that produce hepatitis B vaccineb)More nutritious foods – rice with increased iron and vitaminsc)Faster growing fish, fruit and nut treesd)Plants producing new plasticsIn so many respects, genetic modification is perfect for today’s society. It would help agriculturalists overcome all headaches associated with growing large crops, and basically tailor the food growth industry to mass consumption by the general population. The famous frost-resistant tomato example is perfect in illustrating this point. With a tomato that resists frost, the season for growing them would be longer and therefore a farmer would be able to produce more tomatoes in one year than they were able to do in the past. Gene technology not only gives us the potential to select the exact characteristics we want in an organism, but it also enables us to cross species barriers. For example, we can take an insecticide-producing gene from a bacterium and insert it into a plant, making the plant resistant to insect attack. This new-found ability to cross species barriers is what makes gene technology such a powerful tool. Producing enough food for the world’s population without using up all the available land is an enormous challenge. One solution is to develop crops that yield more with fewer inputs; that are more resistant to diseases; that spoil less during storage and transport; that contain more useful nutrients; and that can grow in agricultural land that has been degraded. Gene technology gives us the potential to do this. Genetically modified foods have been available since the 1990s. The principal ingredients of GM foods currently available are derived from genetically modified soybean, maize and canola. The first commercially grown genetically modified food crop was a tomato created by Calgene called the FlavrSavr. Calgene submitted it to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for assessment in 1992; following the FDA’s determination that the FlavrSavr was, in fact, a tomato, did not constitute a health hazard, and did not need to be labeled to indicate it was genetically modified, Calgene released it into the market in 1994, where it met with little public comment. Considered to have a poor flavor, it never sold well and was off the market by 1997. However, it had improved solids contents which made it an attractive new variety for canned tomatoes. Transgenic crops are grown commercially or in field trials in over 40 countries and on 6 continents. In 2000, about 109. 2 million acres (442,000 km? ) were planted with transgenic crops, the principal ones being herbicide- and insecticide-resistant soybeans, corn, cotton, and canola. Other crops grown commercially or field-tested are a sweet potato resistant to a US strain of a virus that affects one out of the more than 89 different varieties of sweet potato grown in Africa, rice with increased iron and vitamins such as golden rice, and a variety of plants able to survive extreme weather. Between 1996 and 2001, the total surface area of land cultivated with GMOs had increased by a factor of 30, from 17,000 km? (4. 2 million acres) to 520,000 km? (128 million acres). The value for 2002 was 145 million acres (587,000 km? ) and for 2003 was 167 million acres (676,000 km? ). Soybean crop represented 63% of total surface in 2001, maize 19%, cotton 13% and canola 5%. In 2004, the value was about 200 million acres (809,000 km? ) of which 2/3 were in the United States. In particular, Bt corn is widely grown, as are soybeans genetically designed to tolerate glyphosate herbicides. Future applications of GMOs include bananas that produce human vaccines against infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, fish that mature more quickly, fruit and nut trees that yield years earlier, and plants that produce new plastics with unique properties. The next decade will see exponential progress in GM product development as researchers gain increasing and unprecedented access to genomic resources that are applicable to organisms beyond the scope of individual projects. Biologist Stephen Nottingham explains the risks of GMF:? Experimental trials with transgenic organisms are usually conducted strict regulations to minimize the potential spread of genetic material? Even given these regulations, however, no field trial can be said to be 100% secure. This was illustrated when flooding struck the American Midwest in July 1993 and an entire field of experimental insect-resistant maize was swept away in Iowa. ?once released accidentally into the environment, plant material may prove difficult to recover. (Bragi)Unique ecological risks have been associated with virus-resistant transgenic crop plants?leaving crops more vulnerable to virus attack and risking the spread of virus susceptibility to other plants. Genetically modified foods are unlikely to present direct risks to human health. There are two main areas of concern:a)The possibility of allergic reactions to genetically modified foods, andb) The possibility that bacteria living in the human gut may acquire resistance to antibiotics from marker genes present in transgenic plants. Proponents claim that a genetically-modified potato is as safe as one modified the old-fashioned way, through generations of selective breeding; biotechnology just gets the job done more quickly. Critics are concerned that mixing together genetic material from different species might produce unexpected allergic reactions in the person who eats or drinks it. For instance, if an individual consumer who is allergic to broccoli eats a banana that just happens to have a little broccoli DNA under the peel, that person might get sick. Some studies on animals indicate that consuming genetically-modified foods may cause allergic responses, compromise immune systems and inhibit organ growth, although no proven cases of widespread reactions have been definitively documented. Opponents of biotech foods want other questions answered, as well. Will re-engineering a plant or animal to serve a specific end, such as improving taste, decrease its nutritional value? Will consuming genetically-modified food products make a person more resistant to antibiotics, which are widely used to treat bacterial infections? Does consuming milk or meat from livestock that has been injected with growth hormones (a form of biotechnology that is different from genetic modification) subject consumers to early puberty, cancer, and other ailments? Since neither side has been able to provide definitive answers, the jury is still out on food safety; after all, genetic technology itself is barely decades old. So one can condense the issue into a single question: should we move forward with new technologies that might help provide higher crop yields, new and interesting types of food products, and more profits for the companies that own the technology; or play it safe and wait until we better understand the health and environmental consequences of manipulating life forms that took generations to develop? Multinational Corporations benefit because GMF can be very profitable. GMF have taken hold quickly because multinational corporations with the resources to make large financial investments in research and development can profit directly. Multinational companies can spread out the benefit and profit to many branches of their businesses. Many such corporations combine the following: an agrochemical company, a seed company, a pharmaceutical company, a food processing company and sometimes businesses involved with veterinary products. Developments in one part of the corporation can be used to sell products in another branch. Farmers benefit in the short term because they can grow and sell more crops with fewer problems due to weeds, pests, fungi or frost. The genetically modified seed is designed to resist these traditional enemies. Food processing companies benefit from a ready supply of raw food ingredients designed for specific processing needs. Genetically modified tomatoes and potatoes, for instance, have higher solid contents and yield more sauces and French fries. These foods take longer to ripen and rot. Thus less food is spoiled and more gets processed. Supermarkets benefit for the same reasons. The fresh produce lasts longer on the shelves and is more profitable. Consumers, to date, haven’t benefited. GMF have been developed for the convenience of the producer and processor. Yet they cost more to produce and the costs get passed along to the consumer. Eventually there will be some kind of designer novelty foods for shoppers to try. Nottingham adds that there are many other concerns including ethical questions involving animal welfare, whether DNA is actual life, and intellectual property rights and genetic resources from the Third World. (Bragi)The world’s poorest nations account for around 95. 7% of the world’s genetic resources. Traditional farming practices involve farmers retaining seeds, from the harvest of one year’s crop, for planting in the following year. This practice saves money on buying seed and in itself represents a continuous selection for yield and resistance to pests and diseases. However, with genetically modified seed, royalties are payable to the companies holding the patent for the seed. Under world trade agreement rulings, farmers have to make substantial royalty payments to multinational companies if they keep seed for replanting, even if the crop happens to be native to their particular country. Genetic engineering is a valuable new technology that can develop more plentiful and nutritious foods, with great potential benefits for humanity and the environment, and this new scientific discovery needs to be implemented as quickly as possible for humanitarian reasons. As with every new scientific technology, harmful side effects of genetic engineering are inevitable and great care should be taken in its implementation, including carefully controlled long-term tests on human health and environmental impacts. All genetically engineered foods have been thoroughly tested and demonstrated to be safe before they are released into the marketplace. However, this testing is typically conducted only on rats and other animals, by the companies involved. Very little of this research has been reviewed by independent scientists and then published in scientific journals. Genetically engineered foods are usually â€Å"substantially equivalent† to other foods, with no increased risk to human health, and no need for the lengthy and expensive human testing demanded of, for example, new food additives. However, the unpredictable disruptions in normal DNA functioning caused by genetic engineering can produce unanticipated and unknown side effects for human health, including unknown and unpredictable toxins and allergens, and these possibilities can only be definitively assessed through human testing. Genetic engineering is a scientific and technological process, and its evaluation and governmental regulation should be based on purely scientific and objective criteria. To have a purely scientific evaluation of genetically engineered foods, we need more science, especially human studies and environmental studies. Moreover, purely scientific assessment of genetic engineering ignores the fact that, for many people, food has cultural, ethical and religious dimensions that must also be considered. Alan McHughen, author of Pandora’s Picnic Basket: The Potential and Hazards of Genetically Modified Foods, in the introduction he states:†Make no mistake: I am in favor of an orderly and appropriately regulated introduction of some GMOs into the environment and marketplace, and I adamantly oppose others. There are good reasons to ban certain products of genetic technology, and good reasons to allow, with management, certain others; some may require no extraordinary regulation at all. If your opinion differs from mine after reading this book, I hope you will be able to justify, if only to yourself, why we disagree. My philosophy is to be skeptical, be critical, even cynical of claims by business interests, government agencies, and activist groups. But also keep an open mind and then decide for yourself. † (Internet 7)There? s no doubt that the GM food supply should be closely monitored and regulated, but that doesn? t mean it should all be banned. I believe that genetic engineering of plants, animals, and humans has much to offer as long as we are aware of potential benefits and side effects. And that? s true even for more traditional methods of farming, animal husbandry, and medicine. Work Sited:1. Cummings, Michael R. , and Williams S. Klug. Concepts of Genetics. New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Dubey, R. C. A Textbook of Biotechnology. New Delhi: S. Chand, 20063. Kumar, H. D. Modern Concepts of Biotechnology. New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House, 20034. Purohit, S. Agricultural Biotechnology. India: Agrobios, 20055. Purohit, S. Biotechnology: Fundamental and Applications. India: Agrobios, 2004Internet. Reference:1. Bragi, David. ?Food Savior Or Frankenfood? The Debate Over Genetically Modified Foods?. http://www. cgi? f=/gate/archive/2001/06/25/healthwatch. DTL2. Robbin, Adria. ?What Are We Eating http://serendip. brynmawr. edu/biology/b103/f00/web1/robbin. html3. Schultz, Norman. http://www. beyondintractability. org/essay/fact_finding_limits/. 4. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. http://www. wikipedia. org/wiki/genetic_engineering5. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. http://www. wikipedia. org/wiki/genetically_modified_food6.? Genetic Engineering: The Controversy?. http://www. genetic-id. com/prosncons/index. htm7. http://www. foodmuseum. com/issues. html.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Concentration of HCL affecting surface area to vol ratio Essay

The research question that this report is going to discuss is â€Å"What is the relationship between concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and the rate of diffusion? † My hypothesis for this research question is that change in rate of diffusion will be observed when the agar blocks are placed in solutions of different concentrations of HCl. As the concentration of HCl increases, the rate of diffusion will also increase due to the steeper concentration gradient created. To investigate the change in rate of diffusion when different concentrations of HCl are used, I used agar blocks that are stained with universal indicator that would change from green to pink when exposed to HCl. To prepare the agar blocks, I used knife and ruler to acquire 5 agar blocks with equal dimensions of 3. 0cm by 1. 0cm by 0. 5cm. Then I prepared 5 different concentrations of HCl with equal volume of 5cm^3 in test tubes, which were 0. 0M. 0. 2M, 0. 4M, 0. 6M, 0. 8M and finally 1. 0M of HCl. Then, I placed the agar blocks into respective test tubes, measuring the time taken for the agar blocks to turn from green to completely pink. This was repeated 2 more times, having 3 set of readings in total. The results collected showed an increasing trend in the rate of diffusion as the concentration of HCl increased. This clearly supported the hypothesis I derived at. (227 words) ? Content Page Abstract2 Content Page3 Introduction4 Research question:4 Hypothesis:4 Introduction (2)5 Literature Review5 Methodology6 Results8 Results (2)9 Discussion10 Limitations11 Improvements11 Conclusion12 Bibliography13 ? Introduction Research question: How does change in concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) affect the rate of diffusion through the agar blocks which contain starch stained with universal indicator, while keeping surrounding temperature, the surface area to volume ratio of agar blocks used and the volume of solution to which the agar blocks were placed constant? Hypothesis: Change in rate of diffusion will be observed when agar blocks are placed in solutions of different concentrations of HCl. As the concentration of HCl increases, the rate of diffusion will also increase due to the steeper concentration gradient created ? Introduction (2) Literature Review Diffusion is known as the net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration along the concentration gradient. There are few factors that affect the rate of diffusion, the time taken for both regions to have equal amount of particles. One of them is temperature. It is known that temperature has the greatest effect on diffusion rates and is the easiest of the factors to change. Increasing the temperature increases the diffusion rate by adding energy to each particle. This is because particles with more energy can move to the region of lower concentration with more speed and more easily. Similarly, lowering the temperature will lower the diffusion rate by lowering the energy of each particle. Another important factor that changes the rate of diffusion is the concentration gradient, which we will be exploring in this experiment. The rate of diffusion depends on the difference between concentrations across the region of lower concentration and higher concentration, with steeper concentration differences resulting in higher diffusion rates (Simon 2013). This can be explained by Fick’s Law, which can be summarised by this equation: Rate of diffusion is proportional to(surface area x difference in concentration )/(Length of diffusion path). From the equation derived from Fick’s Law, it is clearly seen that the difference in concentration (concentration gradient) will increase the rate of diffusion (Michael Kent 2000). This theory can be used to explain real life situations, like how human lungs take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide in a split second. It is due to the great difference in concentrations of both gases (very steep concentration gradient) that allows relatively fast rate of diffusion. For instance, when breathing in, the concentration of oxygen in alveoli is very high compared to that in the blood vessels surrounding the alveoli. Thus, rate of diffusion is great, allowing oxygen to diffuse as fast as possible. (BBC 2013) Methodology Table 1.1-Table of variables and how it is controlled VariablesDetails of variablesHow it is controlled Independent VariableConcentration of HClConcentration of HCl is controlled by the amount of distilled water added to HCl. For example, in order to achieve a concentration of 0. 2 moldm^(-3), 1. 0 cm^3 of 1 mol of HCl is added, with 4 cm^3 of distilled water added. Dependent VariableRate of Diffusion The time is taken by a stopwatch until the agar blo ck turns pink in colour completely. Controlled VariableTemperature of the surrounding Surface area to volume ratio of the agar blocks Volume of solution to place the agar blocks into. Temperature is set at an air-conditioned room in a Biology lab The agar blocks are cut into same length, same breadth and same height (3. 0 cm by 1. 0 cm by 0. 5cm), thus having the same volume and surface area. This ensures the ratio is the same. The volume of solutions used is kept the same at 5. 0cm^3. Table 1. 2-Apparatus used in the experiment Apparatus QuantityUncertainty 2% Starch Agar (Universal Indicator stained)– 1. 0 M Hydrochloric Acid (aq)– Deionized Water– Stop Watch2 ±0. 01s This might be due to the inaccurate cutting of the dimension of the agar blocks. It could also be due to our inability to decide whether the agar blocks have turned completely green to pink in colour. Thus, the calculated rate of diffusion could have changed. Limitations Some of the results were not as accurate as it was difficult to see whether the agar blocks have turned entirely pink in colour. Some of the agar blocks still had strips of green in them when we removed it from the solution and cut it. This could have affected the time taken for the agar blocks to turn entirely pink and thus, affecting the rate of diffusion. The temperature of the solutions containing the agar blocks might not be constant throughout the whole experiment. This can be due to holding of test tubes with our hands and also putting it down again several times. The heat from the hand might get transferred and the temperature might be altered. This can affect the time taken for the agar blocks to turn completely pink, as higher temperature induce faster rate of diffusion. Some of the results are not very accurate as the surface area to volume ratio was not constant for all the agar blocks tested. One of the reasons is due to the limited amount of agar blocks that were allocated for each bench. Another reason is that it was difficult to use the knife provided to cut the agar blocks in a straight manner and as accurately. This limitation can affect the time taken for agar blocks to turn pink, followed by the rate of diffusion, as some blocks are bigger while some are smaller than the others. Improvements In order to make sure that the agar blocks have turned entirely pink, use a light and put it in a white background where the colour changed is more visible. Then, the calculated rate of diffusion will not be affected. Place the test tubes in a water bath where the temperature can be kept constant at the temperature of tap water. This way, the calculated rate of diffusion will not be affected. Lastly, use a stamp with all the desirable dimension of the agar blocks measured. This way, not only is it convenient, it also helps us acquire the accurate dimensions of the agar blocks, having the same surface area to volume ratio for all the agar blocks. Then, the calculated rate of diffusion will not be affected. Conclusion In conclusion, the readings and the derived results in the form of tables, and line graph support my hypothesis, which is: Change in rate of diffusion will be observed when agar blocks are placed in solutions of different concentrations of HCl. As the concentration of HCl increases, the rate of diffusion will also increase due to the steeper concentration gradient created. With the derived conclusion, it shows that in order for rate of diffusion to be greater, higher concentration of the solution must be used, so that the concentration gradient is steeper.